Sunday, November 4, 2012



  1. Hi! I just found your blog on give1save1. I'm taking a look around:) We're also waiting for our child from Ethiopia! I was wondering where you got that image from. I actually already saved it and posted it to my facebook...then realized maybe I should ask for your permission! (I'm not good at knowing what internet etiquite is!) I wondered if it would be ok if I put it on my blog? Thanks:)

    1. Hey Allison!
      I'm so glad that you came across our blog and so excited for you guys on your journey towards your sweet child! It is so nice to hear from other people who are walking through the same thing. It is seriously so encouraging!
      You can absolutely use the image! I actually made it from a quote that I had it is fine with me! I can't really speak for David Platt though! :) Since I gave him the cred...I'm hoping he is cool with it! :)

  2. Wow. That is pretty cool. Hey guess what?!?!?! I SAW YOU TODAY!!!!! Angel Breakfast!!!!!!!!!!!!! I havent been on my blogs in quite a while! Or looked at any other blogs! Sorry about that! :)

  3. Oh, I love this!! I'm new to your blog, but loving reading it so far!
