Saturday, February 26, 2011

To The Birthday Boy...

Yes indeed, today is the birthday of the man that I love! Erik turns 28 today, which means today is the day that people get to shower him with love and compliments, prayers and good wishes.
But as I think about it, I'm pretty sure that he makes a habit of doing that for everyone every day. If I have learned anything from this wise man of 28, it is this...

My parents sent Erik a birthday card and inside they included a part of an old journal of mine that they found. I wrote a journal entry to my future husband when I was 15 years old. 

"But what I look for in a guy is really important. I want a man who can stand firm in Christ's love and salvation. This is above all." 

(I think somewhere after that, I said something about brown hair, guitar, and California? Glad to know the priorities were straight!)

But truly, Erik, this is who you are. Rooted in Christ's love. Understanding and accepting of the incredible salvation and grace that has been given to us. And you live that out in your life, in the way you treat others, and in the way you love me.

You live under the commission that every single day is a chance to impact a life. Every single moment is a chance to let someone know that they are deeply loved and special. And why let that pass if you have the opportunity?

For all of the things that I love about you, Erik, I think this might be the one I love the most. Your heart never stops loving and your words never stop showing that love. Even when I tell you that it is awkward to shout "I love you guys!!" to a group of junior boys while they are standing outside of their high school, you still keep showing, and pouring, and preaching love!

Thank you.

Thank you for sharing that love with so many people. Thank you for not stopping or letting up. Thank you for being grounded in the one true love that saves and then letting that pour out of the overflow of your heart onto all of those around you, including me.

I love you.

Happy Birthday!

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