Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is February Different in Minnesota?

The time has arrived for yet another Seminary trip back to Minnesota for Erik. It is always hard to say goodbye to him for 2 weeks, but it is such a sweet time for him to be with the other people in his cohort, spend time in a classroom, and mostly dive deep into God's Word and His teachings!

These trips always seem a bit harder on me...
But I am considerably needy. 

Honestly, I know that Erik feels incredibly blessed to be able to spend a few weeks a year away from the busyness of his ministry life and just focused completely on his time in Seminary and learning more and more about who God is and the incredible redemptive plan that is His creation. 

And I feel blessed to have a husband who desires to do those things. 

Seriously...that is kind of a knock out the park if you ask me. 

And....for all of you who are wondering...

He did make it out of the house with just 1 bag this year! Big win. 

Erik, I will miss you so much while you are gone! I pray that God does incredible things through the time that you spend in His Word and through your studies. I love you and am so proud of you! 

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